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  1. Atlantic mag’s Anne Applebaum – ‘uninterested’ in Hunter Biden’s hard...

    “To put him on trial or keep him in jail does not serve society in general or his victim in particular. Nor does it prove the doggedness and earnestness of the American legal system,” Applebaum continues...

  2. Prepper tips: 10 Ways to maintain oral hygiene in the wilderness

    There are many ways to maintain oral health, but you need to get creative when SHTF. If you're stuck outdoors after disaster strikes, you can keep your teeth clean with makeshift supplies like baking soda...

  3. This massive new wave of online censorship is straight out of the...

    Watson announced the suspension in a series of tweets, claiming she was suspended over “hate speech.” However, she hardly posts on Patreon, which led her to believe she was suspended for her...

  4. The very enzyme that is associated with increased covid-19 mortality is...

    According to years of biochemical research, a broad-spectrum ANTI-VENOM compound inhibits the very enzyme that is associated with severe covid-19 disease and covid-19 mortality. It turns out that...

  5. Google is creating an AI GOD, whistleblower Zach Vorhies warns...

    According to Vorhies, his awakening moment came when the Alphabet subsidiary headed by Sundar Pichai deleted the Arabic word “covfefe” from the Google Translate. The deletion was part of efforts to...


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